Vibration Damping

LD13 - LD13AL
The vibration damping materials LD13 and LD13-AL is used for vibration damping of metal sheets, ventilation shafts, machine tools, EDB-equipment, calculating machines, panels, vessels, screenings etc. LD13-AL is particularly suitable when a high hygiene is required f.ex. in foodstuffs industry or in laboratories.

LDL is used in sandwich-constructions of plywood, chips or metal. Functions as structure sound damping. LDL is used for bus and train floors, industrial machines, sound cabinets, boats, etc.

NORDISK AKUSTIK DC1050 Compound is produced to reduce noise from vibrations and structure sound produced either by regular or impulsive effects. Typical application areas are cars, railway coaches, diesel icomotives, ventilation shafts, doors, windows, marchine fencing, internal fittings, transport installations, household machines, computers, elevators, etc.